16" Dobsonian telescope assembled!

We just spent a few hours assembling the new ‪‎16" Dobsonian telescope we got for Science Emmenah‬ public awareness and education events. It is a beast and we sweated a pool putting it together in the current heat of Male'. We have to sort out a few things before we can have first light with it. We are all so psyched!

Hopefully, we will be able to share with you all the delight of the views through this new telescope soon enough!

Moment.js Dhivehi locale merged

The ever so useful and powerful Javascript Date library moment.js merged my Dhivehi locale pull request in the 2.11.0 release. Sure to be handy when developing Dhivehi websites!

moment.js 2.11.0 release changelog

Hope for a united human race

For all we've come to understand, of us and the universe, we've not come to understand empathy and compassion. For all we've been able to achieve, of curing disease and going to distant Moons, we've not been able to achieve peace and a healthy life for all. Of all the delusions we entertain, mine is the hope for a united human race.

Dhist launched!

During the Kickstart Hackathon 2015, Musannif and I spent a little while making a simple tool, which Musannif named "Dhist", to let you write, store and share Dhivehi text in Thaana using the web browser on the majority of the varieties of devices. It was written mostly to scratch our own itch but we welcome feedback and feature addition requests. Please share and use!

Check out Dhist