Moon Viewing event on 19th March at Hulhumale'

The Maldivian Association for the Advancement of Science (MAAS) is organising an event to view and explore the Moon through telescopes on Saturday 19th March, when the Moon's orbit brings it closest to the Earth it has been in 18 years. The Moon will actually reach perigee (its closest orbital approach to Earth) at 12:10 AM, the 20th March.

The Moon is the Earth's only natural satellite and formed about 4.5 billion years ago as a result of what is very likely to have been a collision between the proto-Earth and a slightly smaller-sized proto-planet whose orbit brought about a collision of the two bodies. The Moon orbits the Earth at a distance of about 30 times the diameter of the Earth and takes 27.3 days to complete its elliptical orbit around Earth. The elliptical orbit means that the Moon travels to the position nearest to the Earth, called the Perigee, and the position furthest from Earth, called the Apogee, once every 2 weeks. Moreover, because the plane of this elliptical orbit also rotates through several years, the perigee and apogee distances also change from year to year. The Moon's orbit will take it as close as 356,577 km away from Earth on 19th March. However, the Moon came much closer, at 356,529 km, on 8th March 1993 and will come even closer, at 356,511 km, on 14th November 2016.

The MAAS Moon viewing event will take place in Hulhumale', on the grounds used to hold the night market (see location on map). The moon viewing starts at 8PM and will go on until 11:30PM. There will be presentations about the moon about every 15 minutes to help everyone get a better understanding.

See you there!

How to make a simple motor (in Dhivehi)

Here is a science experiment worksheet, in Dhivehi, detailing how to make a simple electric motor at home with materials easily available anywhere in the Maldives. I had started preparing it to accompany the talk I gave at Jamaluddin School but sadly, due to my schedule of late and the fact that I'm terrible at Dhivehi, I could not finish it on time and thus was not able distribute it to the students as I had intended. I'm putting it up for anyone who might be interested...

- Dowload howtomakeasimplemotor-dhivehi.pdf

"The Joys of Science" talk at Jamaluddin School

I was invited to give a talk on science last Sunday and today to a group of 6-7 year olds attending Grade 1 and Grade 2 at Jamaluddin School. My talk, titled "The Joys of Science", aimed at getting the students interested in science and spurring them to get hands-on with discovering, making and exploring the world. I have lots and lots of fond memories of doing just that when I was a kid and it was so much fun!

The format of my talk was quite simple. I started out with two very simple experiments the kids could do at home - making a simple motor and exploring acids and bases by making an indicator - that I hoped would entice them enough to actually do it. I ended the talks with little tour of the Universe, Earth and the night sky - an attempt at fostering observation. For my second talk, I added little show-and-tell with a selection from some fossils I had purchased recently since Maldives does not have such items anywhere publicly accessible to anyone. It turned out to be a good decision because they all scrambled to see the 140 million year old Spinosaurus tooth and the 440 million year old fossil trilobite I took. Hopefully, they learnt something from all that...

I'd like to thank Jamaluddin School for inviting me to address the kids. It was my first time addressing such young students and it was a big learning experience for me, to say the least!

Waiting for the kids to come in...

ZOHO Viewer plugin for jQuery

I discovered ZOHO Viewer, which supports a lot more file types than Google Docs Viewer, after I wrote the Google Docs Viewer jQuery plugin I posted earlier. So, I wrote another jQuery plugin that automatically embeds the ZOHO viewer for viewing the doc, docx, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, pps, odt, ods, odp, sxw, sxc, sxi, wpd, pdf, rtf, txt, html, csv, tsv files it supports linked to by anchor tags.

The ZOHO Viewer is an embeddable browser-based viewer that requires only a URL to a file available online. This, just like Google Docs Viewer, bypasses the need for users to have compatible software on their machines for those file types and displays the document right in the browser.

Both plugins work exactly the same and has the same configuration options. I ended up going back to Google Docs Viewer for the application I was developing because it displays the document zoomed in to fit the width of the viewer by default and has a toolbar to help navigate the document unlike ZOHO viewer. However, because ZOHO Viewer supports a much large range of file types it is still likely to become very handy.


1. Add jQuery and the zohoViewer plugin to the page.
2.<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.min.js"></script>
3.<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.zohoviewer.min.js"></script>

2. Set some class name or id to the anchor tag for all URLs to files that you want to be displayed using the ZOHO Viewer. E.g. "embed"
1.<a href="urltofile.pdf" class="embed">Download file</a>
1.<a href="urltofile.pdf" id="embedURL">Download file</a>

3. Initialize zohoViewer and set it to process the URL with id or all URLs with the class name set in the previous step.


The plugin offers two configuration options that set the width and height of the embedded document IFRAME. This can be set when the plugin is initialized.
1.$('a.embed').zohoViewer({ width: 400, height: 500 });

The plugin inserts a the IFRAME for the viewer inside an injected DIV. The DIV tags all carry the class name "zohoviewer", which allow for styling all the zohoViewer instances via CSS. If the anchor tag has the ID attribute defined, then the injected DIV tag is also set an ID attribute in the format of ID_of_Anchor + '-zohoviewer'. See the demo source code for more details.


- Check out the live demonstration


This script is released under the Open Source MIT License, allowing its use in both personal and commercial applications as long as the copyright and license permission notice remains intact.


- (v1.0, 2.2KB)


Google Docs Viewer plugin for jQuery

Here's a little jQuery plugin I wrote recently that automatically embeds the Google Docs Viewer for viewing pdf, doc, docx, ppt and tiff files linked to by anchor tags.

The Google Docs Viewer is an embeddable browser-based viewer that requires only a URL to a file available online. This neatly bypasses the need for users to have compatible software on their machines for those file types and displays the document right in the browser.


1. Add jQuery and the gDocsViewer plugin to the page.
2.<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.min.js"></script>
3.<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.gdocsviewer.min.js"></script>

2. Set some class name or id to the anchor tag for all URLs to files that you want to be displayed using the Google Docs Viewer. E.g. "embed"
1.<a href="urltofile.pdf" class="embed">Download file</a>
1.<a href="urltofile.pdf" id="embedURL">Download file</a>

3. Initialize gDocsViewer and set it to process the URL with id or all URLs with the class name set in the previous step.


The plugin offers two configuration options that set the width and height of the embedded document IFRAME. This can be set when the plugin is initialized.
1.$('a.embed').gdocsViewer({ width: 400, height: 500 });

The plugin inserts a the IFRAME for the viewer inside an injected DIV. The DIV tags all carry the class name "gdocsviewer", which allow for styling all the gdocsViewer instances via CSS. If the anchor tag has the ID attribute defined, then the injected DIV tag is also set an ID attribute in the format of ID_of_Anchor + '-gdocsviewer'. See the demo source code for more details.


- Check out the live demonstration


This script is released under the Open Source MIT License, allowing its use in both personal and commercial applications as long as the copyright and license permission notice remains intact.


- (v1.0, 2.2KB)


Thaana Text Render class for PHP 5 - v1.0

A (long) while back, I demoed a Thaana text rendering class for PHP I had written years ago that dynamically converts any given Thaana text into a formatted image of given dimensions with configuration options for important properties like font, font size and color. I am now releasing it, slightly improved, publicly for developers to use it in their applications.


The rationale for the class was that the use of images to display Thaana means that the information can be viewed on a large variety of devices and does away with the requirement for the device to support Thaana fonts. It can also be used for any purpose that requires dynamically generating an image with Thaana text in it, for example watermarking images or nice headings with your Thaana font of choice.

The class makes use of the powerful image manipulation services provided by the GD library to create images from text and hence inherits the wide range of features it offers. However, since the GD library does not support right-to-left scripts and does not offer line wrapping to fit text within a bounding box, the class requires the use of non-Unicode Thaana fonts and non-Unicode Thaana text. You can make use of my Thaana conversions class for PHP to dynamically convert Unicode Thaana text to ASCII Thaana text before passing it to this class for rendering.

Functions exposed

- render()
- renderImage()
- setFontPath()
- setFont()
- setFontSize()
- setTextColor()
- setTextLineSpacing()
- setBgColor()
- setShadow()


- PHP 5
- GD for PHP


The class is well commented so have a look through the code for more details on the functions and their arguments.

The class takes ASCII Thaana text and an optional width, filename, filetype for the render functions. The render() function returns a handle that can be used with the PHP image functions for further processing if required. The renderImage() allows the output to be returned directly or saved to a file.

If the width is specified, the resultant image will be constraint to that width and text will be wrapped around and split into lines as appropriate. Specify either "gif", "png" or "jpg" for the class to save the rendered output. If the filename is omitted, then it will return the output directly.

The class will accept any HTML/CSS color specification (i.e. "#FFF000", "red", "rgb(127, 127, 127)") as a valid color for use as text color, background color and shadow color. You can also specify alpha values to accompany them in order to have transparency effects. Set the background alpha to 127 to produce text on a transparent background.

All fonts have to be placed in the font path directory and should be named, in lower case, exactly as the font names passed to the class.


Saving to a file:
This example shows how to render the text and save the output. It sets all the properties for font, background and shadows at object initialization. The renderImage() function has the filename and filetype specified for saving the rendered output.
02.// Load the class
05.// Initialize object
06.$ttr = new ThaanaTextRender('./fonts/', 'a_waheed', 20, 'white', 0, 50, 'rgb(0,0,0)', 0, 2, '#555555', 80);
08.// Render image and save output
09.$ttr->renderImage('swaincsc', 300, 'output.png', 'png');

Output directly to browser:
This example is ideal for use in scripts that dynamically generate the required rendering and return the output directly to the browser.
02.// Load the class
05.// Initialize object
06.$ttr = new ThaanaTextRender('./fonts/', 'a_waheed', 16, 'white', 0, 50, 'rgb(0,0,0)', 127);
08.// Render image and save output
09.$ttr->renderImage('gUgulunc aepwlc awaimUvIaW vWdwkurW kwhwlw aeve. gUgulc aencDcroaiDc fOnutwkwSc mihWru vwnI mUvI scTUDiaOaeac dIfw aeve.', 300, NULL, 'png');

You could use it by, for example, calling it via the image tag.
1.<img src="script.php" />


You can check out the original demo I posted to see it in action.

For a real-world application of the class, check out the Muraasil mobile site which has been making good use of it for almost 2 years now.


This script is released under the Open Source MIT License, allowing its use in both personal and commercial applications as long as the copyright and license permission notice remains intact.


- (v1.0, 4.43KB)


Beating a child to "question" Jinn is insane and cruel

Irrational, delusional beliefs are always unjustifiable and aren't always harmless. Such beliefs can and do lay the foundation that lead people to do insane and terrible things. It was with shock and horror that I read yesterday of the news story on Haveeru Daily website about a group of people in Haa Alifu atoll Baarah island that beat a sick child on the palms and sole of the feet with an eakle broom a few days ago in order to "question the Jinn" on the outcome of the local council elections that was to take place yesterday.

The people of the island apparently believed that the child was "possessed by the Jinn" and believed, as many Maldivians do, that they could access "future knowledge" through the supernatural super-awesome powers possessed by the Jinn. It matters not that the child most certainly suffers from some mental or psychological affliction and probably could be cured or managed by medicine! It matters not that it is entirely unethical, immoral and down right cruel to torture a sick child!

Shouldn't the title of the article in Haveeru read "ވޯޓުގެ ނަތީޖާ ހޯދުމުގެ ނަމުގައި ބާރަށުގައި ކުޑަކުއްޖަކަށް އަނިޔާކޮށްފި" rather than "ވޯޓުގެ ނަތީޖާ ހޯދުމަށް ބާރަށުގައި ޖިންނިއާއި ސުވާލުކޮށްފި"?

Shouldn't the people involved be charged with child abuse?!