Akunbakun for Facebook - Update

As I posted here on my blog, I launched a Facebook application called "Akunbakun" which is based on the old Maldivian game by the same name. Anyway, the application was a quick 'n dirty rush job and contained a few bugs and had several features left incomplete. I have now patched up all of the bugs found so far, completed the incomplete features and added a few more features as per requests by some users.

- Added a link for the application to the profile links (ie. under the profile photo).
- Fixed a bug that caused the list of challenge attempters (including the winners!) to not show.
- Fixed a bug that messed up display on Internet Explorer.
- Fixed some mistakes in the texts.
- Added some features to improve user experience.
- Increased the number of attempts allowed to three.

Click here to add the application to your Facebook profile now!

Enjoy :-)


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